ICT Acceptable Use Agreement Senior Pupils

Key Stage 3-5: Acceptable Use Agreement

I will be a responsible user and stay safe when using the internet and other digital technology.

Following these rules will help to keep everyone safe and be fair to others. School systems and users are protected and monitored by security and filtering services to provide safe access to digital technologies and online services.

Responsible User

  • I will ensure that my online activity or use of mobile technology, in school or outside school, will not cause my school, the staff, students or others distress, or bring the school into disrepute.
  • I understand that whilst in school GDST provided Wi-Fi is filtered and device use is monitored. I also understand that all school-owned devices used outside of school may be subject to filtering and monitoring, and should be used as if I am in school.
  • I will only use my personal devices (mobile phones, USB devices etc.) in school if I have been given permission to do so.
  • I will only use the school’s internet and any device I may be using in school for appropriate school activities and learning, unless I have permission to engage in recreational activities, e.g. in a lunchtime club or after school.
  • I will only use my school email and account details to contact people as part of learning activities.
  • I will keep my logins, IDs and passwords secret and change my password regularly. If I think someone knows one of my passwords, I will change it. I will not leave my computer unattended if I am logged on and will only log in with my username and password.
  • I will not knowingly bring files into school or download files that can harm the school network or be used to bypass school security, such as VPN programmes.
  • I will be careful when opening files and attachments, checking for viruses etc. If I am unsure I will never open a file, hyperlink or any other attachment. If I am suspicious about a file or attachment, I will let a teacher or member of the ICT support team know.
  • I will only edit or delete my own files and not (even try to) view, change or delete other people’s files or user areas without their permission.
  • I understand that websites, blogs, videos and other online information can be biased and misleading, so I need to check sources to see if they are trustworthy.
  • When using the internet, I will not download copyright-protected material (text, images, music, video etc.). I will always make sure I acknowledge the sources of information I find on the internet if I use it for my work or pass it on to friends.
  • I understand that cyberbullying is unacceptable, and will not use technology to bully, impersonate, harass, threaten, make fun of, exclude or upset anyone, at school or outside school.
  • I will not browse, download, upload, distribute, post, retweet or forward material that could be considered discriminatory, offensive, harmful, illegal or of a sexual nature. If I accidentally come across any such material I will report it immediately to my teacher.
  • The messages I send, or information I upload, will always be polite and sensible. I understand that all messages I send reflect on me and the school.
  • I will not share my or others’ personal information that can be used to identify me, my family, my friends or my school on any online space, unless a trusted adult has given permission or reviewed the site.
  • If live streaming I always tell a trusted adult about it and check my privacy settings so I am in control of who can see my stream.
  • I will never arrange to meet someone face to face if I have only ever previously met them on the internet or by e-mail or in a chat room, unless I take a trusted adult with me.
  • I will respect my body and other people’s. That means using positive words about myself and others. It also means not revealing my or anyone else’s body on camera or sharing /posting inappropriate photos.
  • I am aware that some websites, apps, games, online shopping, file sharing and social networks have age restrictions and I will respect these. I will ensure sites are secure if exchanging personal or financial information.
  • I understand that many apps have geolocation settings (identifying my location or where I made a post or took a photo). I will make sure that I know how to turn geolocation on and off, and not tell the world where I am at all times or make it too easy to find out where I live or go to school.
  • If I see, watch, read, hear or receive anything I am unhappy with or I receive a message that makes me feel uncomfortable, e.g. bullying, extremist/hateful content, I will not respond and talk to a trusted adult.
  • I know that I can always say no online and end a chat or block a friend; if I do, it’s best to talk to someone about it as well.
  • I know who my trusted adults are at school, home and elsewhere, but if I feel I can’t talk to them, I know I can call Childline on 0800 1111 or click CEOP.

Stay Safe

The trusted adults I can talk to if I have concerns about e-safety are:


I have read and understand these rules and agree to them.

Signed: ____________________________________________________ Date:___________________
