Attendance Policy 

  1. Policy Statement

This policy applies to the whole school, including the EYFS.

At Sheffield Girls’ Infant, Junior and Senior school we see pupil attendance as critical to academic success and social integration. We ask parents/carers to familiarise themselves with the GDST Statement on School Attendance and these policy guidelines, and to help us to promote the standards of attendance and punctuality which are essential for an orderly school environment where all pupils can get the maximum benefit from their education.

Young children are dependent upon the adults in their life to get them to school regularly and on time. Therefore, the focus in the Infants is to establish good habits and work with parents/carers to improve attendance. In Juniors we continue to work with parents/carers and start to develop ‘self’ responsibility in the children, and this continues to be developed in Seniors. The school operates within a framework of local schools.

We are, therefore, committed to a whole school approach to attendance and a partnership relationship with parents/carers.

GDST Statement on School Attendance

Absence, whatever its cause, is detrimental to any pupil’s academic, social and emotional development. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school, with a cumulative effect. Regular or persistent absence can also indicate a pupil welfare issue.

Parents/carers have a legal duty to ensure their children of compulsory school age who are registered at school attend regularly. Parents can only allow their child to miss school if they are too ill to go in or they have advance permission from the school. The Education (pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 make it clear that Heads may only grant leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. As is required by law, the school will inform the local authority of any pupil who fails to attend regularly, or has been absent without the school’s permission for a continuous period of 10 days or more. The local safeguarding partners will also be informed if absence amounts to a safeguarding concern.

In order to maximise our pupils’ potential, the GDST is committed to ensuring pupils do not miss out on their education through poor attendance rates. We expect all GDST schools to at least meet the national attendance average, and school attendance rates are monitored accordingly. A member of SLT will review and analyse attendance across the school as a whole on a regular basis, following up on trends or patterns of concern, and reporting to the School Governing Board/GDST as required.

Class teachers and tutors are expected to monitor and review the attendance record of the pupils for whom they are responsible. An individual attendance record of below 95% must be followed up by the school, as will noticeable patterns, or sudden or unexplained absence.

The senior leader with overall responsibility for attendance at the school is Sarah White, Deputy Head. For day-to-day attendance matters, please contact Tanasity Wood, Attendance Officer or your child’s form tutor. For more detailed support with Infant and Junior School attendance contact Chris Hald, Head of Infants and Juniors, and in the Senior School contact the pupil’s relevant Head of Year.

The school year is 175 days. In the Senior School pupils are required to be in school from 8.30am to 3.30pm each day and in the Infants and Juniors from 8.30am to 3.30pm (Y2-6), and from 8.30am to 3.15pm (Reception and Y1).

  1. Aims

Our aims are:

  • To maintain our high attendance record and to improve on it by focusing on individuals and groups, including persistent and severe absence where appropriate.

  • To keep an accurate and up-to-date record of attendance.

  • To identify causes of non-attendance and to take early, appropriate action.

  • To ensure all teaching staff, support staff and governors understand the procedures.

  • To build strong relationships with families, informing parents/carers of attendance and punctuality issues and to encourage them to take an active role in promoting good attendance and punctuality.

  • To work closely with the pastoral team to support the wellbeing of the pupils.

  • To recognise and reward pupils who achieve attendance and punctuality targets throughout the academic year.

  • To work closely with a pupil who has been absent for a prolonged period of time, or for a period of absence over a series of separate days.

  • To be consistent with the application of this policy.

We expect the highest standards of attendance and punctuality, reflecting commitment to wellbeing and achievement. We encourage all pupils to work towards 100% attendance and set a minimum attendance target of 97% in line with GDST and Local Authority expectations.

  1. Legislation and Guidance

This policy meets the requirements of the Working Together to improve attendance - expectations of schools - Sept 2022 from the Department for Education (DfE).

The 1996 Education Act requires that:

  • All pupils of compulsory school age receive a suitable full-time education by regular attendance at school or otherwise
  • The school must complete attendance registers at the beginning of the morning session and during the afternoon session

  • The school must report to the Local Authority pupils who are absent for more than ten days without explanation

  • The Local Authority has a duty to ensure that pupils fulfil their legal responsibilities

  • Failure by parents/carers to ensure the regular attendance at school of a registered pupil is an offence punishable by law

  1. Partnership

4.1 What school expects of pupils

  • That pupils attend regularly, on time and ready to learn

  • That pupils are prepared for the day with appropriate equipment e.g. P.E. kit

  • That pupils report to reception should they arrive after registration time

  • That pupils tell a member of staff if there is any problem which may prevent them from attending school

4.2 What school expects of parents/carers

  • To fulfil their legal responsibility to ensure that their child attends school regularly, on time and prepared for the day

  • To contact school on the first day their child is absent for any reason

  • To arrange medical and dental appointments out of school times wherever possible

  • To arrange holidays out of school time. Further guidance is offered under the section Requests for Exceptional Leave of Absence later in this policy

  • To speak to relevant members of staff if they know of any problem which may prevent their child from attending school or arriving on time

  • To provide written notification via Firefly explaining the reason for absence. This will be retained and may be produced if requested by the Local Authority

  • To regularly review Firefly for their child’s attendance and punctuality data

  • To provide the school with more than one emergency contact number for their child

4.3 What parents/carers can expect from school

  • A broad, balanced education that is dependent on regular attendance at school
  • Promotion of excellent attendance and punctuality at school, and regular encouragement and rewards

  • Efficient and accurate recording and monitoring of attendance

  • Regular reporting of attendance via Firefly and school reports

  • First day contact with parents/carers when absence is unexplained

  • Prompt action when a problem has been identified

  • Liaison with officers from the Local Authority to assist and support families where needed

  • Regular communication with parents/carers

  1. Roles and responsibilities

5.1 Governors

  • Maintain an overview of attendance through termly reports provided by the Head
  • Have a named governor for Attendance. Our governor for 2023-4 is Liz Smart
  • Regularly monitor, review and challenge attendance data

5.2 Head

  • Has overall responsibility for attendance within the school, including implementation of this policy

  • Is able to grant exceptional leave of absence

  • Has responsibility for reporting to governors

  • Has responsibility for investigating and, where necessary, reporting incidents of children who are Missing from Education

5.3 Deputy Head (Attendance Lead)

  • Is the nominated Senior Lead with responsibility for attendance across the school

  • Ensures everyone works together to improve attendance and creates a whole school ethos of ‘Every School Day Matters’

  • Implements targets, reviews statistics and amends the policy as necessary

  • Provides advice and support to school staff regarding attendance and punctuality issues

  • Maintains an overview of attendance and manages the day to day implementation of attendance plans and strategies

  • Has an oversight of data analysis

  • Delivers targeted intervention and support to pupils and families

  • Liaises with the other officers of the Local Authority to implement attendance strategies and meets termly with our linked Inclusion and Attendance Specialist

  • Works with other local schools and agencies to promote attendance and punctuality

5.4 Head of Juniors

  • Provides advice and support to staff in the Infants and Juniors regarding attendance and punctuality issues

  • Maintains an overview of attendance and manages the day to day implementation of attendance plans and strategies in the Infant and Junior school

  • Has an oversight of data analysis

  • Delivers targeted intervention and support to pupils and families

  • Liaises with the other officers of the Local Authority to implement attendance strategies for the Infant and Junior school

5.5 Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Has responsibility for monitoring the progress of Children Looked After by the Local Authority, including attendance

  • Becomes actively involved and leads where there is also a safeguarding issue

5.6 Attendance Officer

  • Receives, updates and maintains accurate class registers in line with Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2001

  • Maintains SIMS attendance database and update on a weekly basis

  • Meets weekly with the Deputy Head to identify pupils requiring intervention

  • Makes contact by telephone call with parents/carers when a pupil is absent and written notification via Firefly has not been received

  • Runs a daily report of any missing marks and follows these up with teachers and pupils

  • Runs a weekly report of any unauthorised absences and shares and follows these up with Heads of Year

  • Liaises with the Head of Year and Designated Safeguarding Lead when a vulnerable pupil is absent

  • Carries out relevant interventions

  • Provides reports from SIMS to governors, Head and other school staff, Local Authority officers as requested

  • Provides relevant information to Local Authority officers making contact with families regarding attendance and punctuality and meets termly with our linked Inclusion and Attendance Specialist

5.7 Heads of Year - Senior

  • Use SIMs and PowerBI to analyse attendance data by individual, key group and by form group

  • Promote good attendance and punctuality within the classroom and the school

5.8 Form Tutors

  • Take the am registration

  • Accurately mark registers in SIMs using appropriate codes, in line with Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2001

  • Report to the Head of Year or Attendance Officer any issue or problem which may affect the attendance or punctuality of a pupil

  • Promote good attendance and punctuality within the classroom and the school

  • Follow up on any unexplained absences

5.9 Class Teachers

  • Take the pm (P4) registration in Seniors

  • Take the am and pm registration in Infants and Juniors

  • Accurately mark registers in SIMs using appropriate codes, in line with Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 2001

  • Report to the Head of Infant and Junior School, School Secretary or Attendance Officer any issue or problem which may affect the attendance or punctuality of a pupil

  • Promote good attendance and punctuality within the classroom and the school

  • Within 10 minutes of the start of every lesson, a register will be taken, and the data recorded onto SIMs; a paper register will be taken if SIMS is unavailable

5.10 Multi-agency Support team (MAST)

  • MAST will liaise with school regarding families/children they are working with where attendance is a concern

  1. Recording attendance

Registers are a legal document, and care must be taken to ensure registers are marked accurately. Attendance of all pupils is monitored and evaluated regularly using the following procedures:

6.1 Registration

6.1.1 Infants and Juniors

  • In the Infant and Junior School registration is completed by 8.40am and 1.05pm.
  • Registers will be open for 20 minutes i.e. 8.35-8.55am and 1.05-1.25pm.
  • Children can arrive on-site from 7.30am but must be signed into Breakfast Club (see separate procedures) in the canteen. All other pupils can come into the playground from 8.15am, when there is supervision.
  • A bell is rung at 8.30am and pupils move to their form rooms ready for registration.
  • Form teachers will enter a present mark (/) in SIMs for each pupil present and an absent mark (N) for any pupil that is absent.
  • Specialist subject teachers will take a register at the start of their lesson and if they are concerned that a pupil hasn’t arrived at their lesson, then they should inform the Junior School Reception immediately. The Junior School Secretary checks for any missing marks, or unaccounted absences. Concerns are raised with the Head of Infant and Junior School or Deputy.
  • If any pupil has to leave school before the end of the day, she must sign out using the electronic system in the Junior School Reception.
  • Afternoon registration follows a similar pattern occurring at 1.05pm, with any follow up carried out as per the required procedures.
  • Pupils are dismissed at the end of the day by their teacher, Form or Specialist, to the parents or a designated adult. Some pupils are escorted to buses or walk, with written permission, to a meeting point with parents.

6.1.2 Seniors

  • Registration takes place twice a day, each morning at 8.35am and each afternoon at 1.25pm.
  • Pupils can arrive on-site from 7.30am and go to their form room or to the canteen. They must be in their form rooms from 8.30am ready for registration.
  • Registers will remain open for 20 minutes i.e. 8.35-8.55am and 1.25-1.45pm.
  • Form teachers will enter a present mark (/) in SIMs for each pupil present and an absent mark (N) for any pupil that is absent.
  • Subject teachers are required to take a register at the start of the lesson and within the first 10 minutes of the lesson starting. They do so electronically using SIMs. If subject staff are concerned that a pupil hasn’t arrived at their lesson, then they should inform the Attendance Officer or Reception immediately. The Attendance Officer checks for any missing marks after 10 minutes of the lesson starting. Absences from lessons are followed up with the Head of Year, Assistant Head Pastoral or Deputy Head.
  • If any pupil has to leave school before the end of the day, they must sign out using the electronic system in Sixth Form or reception. 
  • If any pupil leaves the school site during the day but intends to return e.g. during a free period, they must sign in / out using the electronic system in Sixth Form or Main School reception.

6.2 Punctuality

6.2.1 Infants and Juniors

  • Pupils are expected to be punctual at all times.
  • Junior girls arriving late (after 9.00am) report to the Junior Office to be registered.
  • Written explanation from parents/carers will be required for all lates after 9.00am or 1.05pm. The Junior School Secretary is responsible for following this up.
  • Lateness without reasonable cause will be deemed to be unauthorised absence.

6.2.2 Seniors

  • Pupils are expected to be punctual at all times.
  • Any pupil arriving after 8.55am or after 1.45pm must go to reception to sign-in. They will receive a printed slip which they will need to hand to their class teacher.
  • Written or verbal explanation from parents/carers will be required for all absences after 8.55am or 1.45pm.
  • If a pupil fails to do this the school will assume they are absent.
  • Lateness without reasonable cause will be deemed to be unauthorised absence.
  • The Heads of Year (or Head of Sixth Form) checks the lates (weekly) and contact the parents/carers of girls who are regularly arriving late.

6.3 Unplanned absence - Reporting a child absent

It is the parents/carers’ responsibility to inform the school of their child’s absence on the morning of the first day of absence.

Reception -Y6: To report a child absent, the parent/carer will call the Junior and Infant Reception on (0114) 358 7639 or email

Y7-Y13: To report a child absent, the parent/carer will complete a written absence form available on Firefly before 8.30am. This is reviewed each morning at 8.45am by our Attendance Officer and our attendance registers updated accordingly. As we have written confirmation of the absence parents/carers are not required to provide a letter or send an email on their child’s return. If parents / carers are unable to access Firefly to do this then they should continue to report absence by telephone on the first day of absence, with a follow up email on their child’s return. They should call the Attendance Officer on (0114) 358 7660, to report a child’s absence. If it is related to a medical issue the School Nurse will then be informed. The parent/carer should continue to submit a written absence form on Firefly before 8.30am on each subsequent day of absence.

In the Senior School, the Attendance Officer monitors absence each morning. If the school is not notified of a pupil’s absence a call will be made to pupils on the morning of the first day of absence from 9am onwards. This is to ensure that pupils are safe at all times. The school will remain in contact with parents/carers on a regular basis until the pupil returns.

In the Infant and Junior School, the office monitors absence each morning. If the school is not notified of a pupil’s absence a call will be made to parents/carers on the morning of the first day of absence from 9am onwards. This is to ensure that pupils are safe at all times. The school will remain in contact with parents/carers on a regular basis until the pupil returns.

If contact can’t be made then a home visit by a member of the Pastoral Team may take place.

Absence due to illness will be authorised unless the school has a genuine concern about the authenticity of the illness. In this case, the school may ask parents/carers to provide medical evidence, but we won’t ask for this unnecessarily.

If a written explanation of the absence is not provided, the absence will be investigated and recorded as unauthorised. Parents/carers are informed if absences are recorded as unauthorised.

If an absence occurs, it is the responsibility of the pupil to make up any lost work. If an absence is planned in advance, the pupil must approach individual members of staff for guidance.

6.4 Children Missing from Education

Louise Froggatt, Registrar, is the nominated member of school staff to liaise with the Local Authority’s Children Missing from Education Team. Pupils who cannot be located will be considered missing. The Children Missing from Education Team will be informed and will pursue the matter in accordance with Local Authority procedures (See policy Children Missing from Education)

7 Authorised and unauthorised absence

7.1 Authorised absence

Valid reasons for authorised absence include:

  • Medical and dental appointments

Routine visits to the doctors, dentist, optician etc., should be arranged during school holidays or out of school hours only. Authorisation for medical and dental appointments can be given only in an emergency or other unavoidable circumstances.

  • Bereavement

It is helpful if we are informed of family bereavement so that we can offer pupils sympathetic support. Absence under such circumstances will, of course, be authorised.

  • Religious observance

Absence can be authorised on a day exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which a pupil belongs. Parents/carers should inform the school in advance via Firefly.

  • Traveller pupils travelling for occupational purposes

Absence may be authorised only when a traveller family is known to be travelling for occupational purposes and has agreed this with the school.

  • Other unavoidable cause

Absence may be authorised for another unavoidable cause.

  • Study Leave

Study leave may be authorised during the official examination period for Years 11 and 13 only.  A letter is always sent to pupils before study leave commences. Pupils are asked to note carefully the dates on which study leave commences.

Although most pupils prefer to study at home during examination periods, there are always study facilities available in school for those who wish to work in school. Authorisation for absence for studying will not be given for periods outside those indicated to pupils.

Study leave is a privilege which may be withdrawn if a pupil seems unlikely to use the time profitably.

7.2 Request for exceptional leave of absence

  • Leave of absence can only be authorised by the Head and may only be permitted in exceptional circumstances. 
  • Leave of absence can only be authorised by the Head and may only be permitted in exceptional circumstances. Notifications for exceptional term time leave should, where possible, be made prior to booking any leave, however should be at least 20 school days in advance of any arrangement being made. This will allow sufficient time for the notification to be considered by the school. The notification should be made in writing by the parent / carer using the form on Firefly ‘Term Time Leave’
  • One form per family per notification should be completed, unless siblings attend a different school,  when parents / carers should inform each school. Where possible, schools will liaise and decide the outcome.
  • If the absence isn’t authorised, parents/carers will be notified making it clear why the decision has been taken. If an unauthorised holiday is taken, consideration could be given to issuing a Penalty Notice (see guidance). At the Head’s request the Local Authority will issue the Penalty Notice and inform the school of the outcome.
  • It is essential that both the Local Authority and the school be consistent so that there can be no allegations of bias or favouritism. If it is seen that the policy is not being applied consistently the Local Authority will not be able to apply a Penalty Notice.
  • Further details can be found in the Attendance Term Time Leave Policy.

7.3 Unauthorised absence

  • No Explanation Provided / Unsatisfactory Explanation
  • No explanation is offered by the parents/carers or the school is not satisfied with an explanation offered.
  • Exceeding the terms of the Exceptional Leave
  • The pupil is absent on exceptional term time leave for longer than agreed by the Head.
  • Family / Domestic Problems
  • Looking after other children, minding the house, or shopping within school hours are not acceptable reasons for absence under the law.

7.4 Sixth Form

Sixth formers must attend school every day, arriving in time for morning registration and form time. They must attend all timetabled lessons, but will be able to leave the school during their non-taught sessions, signing in and out. All regular appointments, driving lessons etc. must be scheduled for these times. Permission to miss taught lessons will not be given, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Any pupil who does not attend lessons or whose progress is not good will have the privilege of a flexible day removed. Should a pupil be unable to attend school, parents/carers should notify the school in the usual way.

7.4.1 Open Days

Sixth Form pupils are expected to visit Universities and Colleges during school holidays or at weekends. However, a maximum two Open Days may be attended during term time if appropriate emails requesting authorisation for absence are sent in advance to Chris Spick, Director of Sixth Form.

7.4.2 Interviews

Sixth formers must, of course, attend interviews at Universities and Colleges at the times and on the dates allocated by the institutions. It is essential that they keep their Form Tutors informed of these dates.

7.4.3 Work Experience

Pupils in Years 12 and 13 are encouraged to gain work experience during the school holiday periods. In addition to this there may be a period of work experience for specific year groups scheduled on the school calendar. Some sixth form pupils may also be permitted to carry out work experience during times of the day when they have a study period. This must be agreed with the Director of Sixth Form.

8 Strategies for promoting attendance

8.1 Rewards

8.1.1 Senior School

  • Attendance will be an integral part of our year group praise assemblies which take place twice per year.
  • Termly certificates will be awarded for improved attendance and to pupils with excellent  attendance.
  • Annual rewards for full attendance will be issued each summer.
  • House points will be given for full attendance and punctuality.

8.1.2 Infant and Junior School

  • Attendance will be an integral part of our celebration (Toubi Cup) assemblies which take place once per half term.
  • Half termly certificates will be awarded to pupils with 100% attendance. Praise Postcards can be given for improved attendance.
  • Annual rewards for full attendance will be issued each summer.
  • House points will be given for full attendance and punctuality.

8.2 Interventions

8.2.1 If attendance falls to 95% and below

Individual pupils, whose attendance falls to below 95%, will be discussed weekly at an attendance meeting between the Attendance Officer and Deputy Head / Head of Infant and Juniors.

An early assessment will take place with pupils and parents/carers, involving the Head of Year and Attendance Officer. Vulnerable pupils may be seen by the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

8.2.2 If attendance falls to 90% and below

If your child misses 10% or more schooling across the academic year for whatever reason they are defined as a persistent absentee. Where absence or a pattern of absence appears to be at risk of becoming problematic, the school will meet with the parents/carers, and if appropriate include the child, to discuss how to support them and remove barriers to attendance where possible. This may include referrals to external services and other organisations. These actions will be regularly reviewed, and stepped up if there is no improvement to the situation. Where a whole family response is appropriate, this is likely to include a voluntary early help assessment. Ultimately if voluntary support is not effective the school will work with the local authority to put more formal measures in place.

At 90% and below a fixed penalty warning may be issued which could result in a fine and/or a formal attendance meeting will be called which may result in prosecution. Prosecution is used as a last resort where all other routes have been exhausted or deemed inappropriate.

8.2.3 Pupils with individual needs

Whilst good attendance is an expectation for all pupils at the school, we recognise that this may be more of a challenge for some pupils, including those with special educational needs or disabilities, or those suffering from long term medical conditions or mental health issues. The school will allow for these circumstances when working with such pupils and their parents/carers, and will develop individualised support approaches that meet their specific needs where appropriate. A school attendance plan will be developed in partnership with parents/carers and the pupil.

8.2.4 Returning to school

Sometimes a pupil who has been absent for some time finds it difficult to return. In such circumstances, the school will work with the parents/carers and pupil to support reintegration. It is of paramount importance that parents/carers contact one of the Head of Juniors, Deputy Head, Assistant Head Pastoral, Director of Sixth Form or School Nurse to discuss procedures for supported reintegration.

9. Reporting to parents/carers

The school makes it clear to staff, parents/carers and pupils that the issue of attendance is of the highest priority. The facility which enables parents/carers to access their child’s attendance record by the daily checking of Firefly information, will ensure that parents/carers are kept up-to-date. Whilst SIMs is a live database, Firefly only updates once every 24 hours.

% absence, number of days missed and number of lates are recorded on all school reports.
