At Sheffield Girls' we seek to offer learning experiences out of the classroom to give our students the chance to experience cultures, respect differences and develop new friendships with their peers and thus broaden their horizon and knowledge.  Confidence, independence and life experience are developed on trips that will help our students excel inside and outside of the classroom.

It is the policy of the GDST to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all pupils, staff and all other people who participate in educational visits and trips organized by the school. The GDST is also committed to complying with the requirements contained within the DFE's guidance on the Health and Safety of Pupils on Educational Visits to safeguard and promote the health and safety of pupils and staff on activities outside of school

The school will appoint a competent Educational Visits Coordinator and provide appropriate information, instruction, training and guidance to staff leading and accompanying educational visits and school trips. This will include:

  • the procedures for planning and preparing for an educational visit or school trip
  • the procedures for assessing the risks associated with an educational visit or school trip
  • the procedures for informing parents, gaining their consent and, when appropriate, involving them in educational visits and school trips
  • defining the roles and responsibilities of group leaders and other supervisors during educational visits and school trips.

We seek to be as inclusive as possible and will make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of individuals who wish to attend a trip opportunity.

The Senior School Educational Visits Coordinator is Elizabeth Rodgers, Assistant Head Co-curricular . All staff wanting to lead/organise any visit should in the first instance contact the EVC in order to ensure viability with the calendar and visit purpose, then read and act on the advice and requirements in Educational Trips & Visits. All staff taking any sort of trip should read fully the section on Staff Guidance : Requirements for all visits and Preventative Practices.
