Infant and Junior School Intimate Care Policy
This information and procedure applies to all pupils in the Infant and Junior School, including children in the EYFS.
Sheffield Girls’ Infant and Junior School is committed to ensuring that all staff responsible for the intimate care of children will undertake their duties in a professional manner at all times. We recognise that there is a need to treat all children with respect when intimate care is given. No child should be attended to in a way that causes distress, embarrassment or pain. The Intimate Care Policy and Guidelines regarding children have been developed to safeguard children and staff. They apply to everyone involved in the intimate care of children.
Definition of Intimate Care
Intimate care may be defined as any activity required to meet the personal care needs of each individual child. Intimate care may involve changing nappies, touching or carrying out an invasive procedure that most children can carry out for themselves, but which some are unable to do due to physical disability, special educational needs associated with learning difficulties, medical needs or needs arising from the child’s stage of development.
Intimate care may also involve help with drinking, eating, dressing, menstrual care, supervision of a child involved in intimate self-care and toileting. Help may also be needed with changing colostomy bags and other such equipment. It may also require the administration of an insulin injection, epipen or other medication. In most cases intimate care will involve procedures to do with personal hygiene and the cleaning of equipment associated with the process. In the case of a specific procedure only a person suitably trained and assessed as competent will undertake the procedure. Any additional training will be provided by the school.
The aims of this document and associated guidance are;
To provide reassurance to staff and parents
To safeguard the dignity, rights and well-being of children
To assure parents/carers that staff are knowledgeable about intimate care and that their child’s individual needs and concerns are taken into account
During the administration of Intimate Care it is essential that the following points are given the highest priority:
Every child has the right to feel safe and secure
Every child has the right to be treated as an individual
Every child has the right to remain healthy
Every child has the right to privacy, dignity and a professional approach from all staff when meeting her needs
Every child has the right to information and support that will enable her to make informed and appropriate choices
Every child has the right to be accepted for who they are, without regard to age, gender, ability, race, culture or beliefs
Every child (and parent) has the right to information and procedures for any complaint or queries he or she may have regarding intimate care
The two situations detailed below are those that arise most frequently within our schools and all staff are aware of how to proceed:
The following procedures will take place when a child has had any form of first aid injury in an intimate area:
The child will be accompanied to the toilets
The child will be assessed by a first Aid trained member of staff
If the injury is in a place where clothing needs to be removed they are encouraged to remove their own clothing and examine the injury themselves having been provided with the correct equipment e.g. wipe, paper towel etc.
Once treatment has been agreed the child will be encouraged (if able to do so) to administer solution for themselves e.g. apply plaster, hold cold compress etc.
If required 2 members of staff will examine and assess the injury and administer first aid as required
Parents/carers may be contacted depending on severity of injury
Any actions taken as described above will be recorded on CPOMS
The following procedures will take place when a child has had any form of toileting accident at Sheffield Girls’ Infant and Junior School.
The child will be taken to the toilets, situated within the relevant building and reassured.
Staff are advised to wear sterilised rubber latex gloves.
The child will be given support by a member of staff to help clean themselves. This may include providing wet wipes or tissues, toilet paper, paper towels or medical gloves.
In more extreme cases, two members of staff may be required to help clean a child.
A member of staff will provide clean clothing for the child to change into. Dirty or wet clothes will be placed into a plastic bag for the child to take home.
The member of staff who has dealt with the situation will contact parents/carers or alert them to the accident at home time. In some cases we ask parents/carers to collect the child if they have soiled themselves and are unwell.
Children who have suffered any form of sickness or diarrhoea illness should not attend school for at least 48 hours after the last bout of sickness/diarrhoea.
All serious incidents will be recorded and logged on CPOMS.
There may be times when a child suffers from a disability or medical condition which results in regular toileting accidents. In these cases named members of staff will be responsible for providing support to the child and an Individual Care plan may be put in place.
Any individual child requiring regular assistance with intimate care due to an additional need will have an Individual Care Plan that is regularly reviewed by school staff and parents/carers.
Please refer to the Intimate Care Protocol for further information:
Responsibility: | Updated: | Review: |
RL | 09/24 | 09/25 |