Senior Supervision of Pupils Policy

1 Policy statement

1.1 Scope: This policy applies to staff (including volunteers) at Sheffield High School.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the Junior School Guidance of the Supervision of Pupils, the School's Code of Behaviour for Staff and staff job descriptions.

1.2 Publication: This policy is provided to all staff in the Staff Handbook which is available on K Drive.

1.3 Policy aims: Through the operation of this policy we aim to:

  • protect the health and safety of pupils at the School; and
  • ensure that staff at the School are aware of how staff are deployed to ensure the proper supervision of pupils.

2 Responsibility

2.1 All members of staff are responsible on a day to day basis for ensuring that pupils at the School are safe. Schools are under a general duty to supervise pupils to the standard of a prudent or careful parent.

3 General supervision

3.1 Supervision before and after school, including breakfast club

  • The School runs extended hours care for Junior School pupils. The supervision ratios are ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­1:8 for children under 8, and 1:10 for over 8s.
  • On a day to day basis the Senior School pupils are expected to arrive at school from 7.45am when they may go to their form room.
  • If pupils arrive in the Senior School before 7.45am they are to go to the dining room where there will be members of the catering team and Breakfast club in attendance.
  • Pupils should not be on site before 7.30am.

Girls in the Foundation Stage are collected directly from their class teachers by staff at the end of the school day. Girls in years 1 and 2 meet staff in the playground and are then escorted down to the After School Club. Please refer to the Junior School guidance on the Supervision of Pupils for more detailed information.

Children are registered on arrival and signed out by the parent or authorised carer on collection.

3.2 Supervision during breaks and lunchtime

  • All staff are allocated a duty to supervise pupils at the following times: during Assembly, all school buildings during break, and all school buildings during lunch time. Please refer to the Staff Duties section in the Practical Information from Staff under Staff Handbook on the T Drive.

3.3 Supervision during non contact time for pupils, including sixth form

  • Pupils in Years 7-10 must go to the library during non-contact time where they will be supervised by the Librarian on duty and then the sixth former on duty at 4.30pm. Y11 can stay in the common room until 4.30pm. All pupils move into G2 at 4.30pm. A member of SLT will liaise with the sixth former on duty and be available if there are any concerns.
  • All sixth form students must sign in and out when leaving the building. Pupils wishing to remain in the sixth form building can do so until 4.30pm providing a member of the sixth form team is made aware. After this time they should move to the main building for supervision in the Homework Club unless arrangements have been made by a member of the sixth form staff to provide supervision. The signing in/out procedure is explicitly explained on the first day back each September during form time, and is reiterated during assemblies as and when necessary. 

4. Supervision during curriculum time

4.1 Arrangements for cover of absent colleagues

  • All classes will be supervised by the relevant teacher or by a cover teacher if necessary. In certain subjects, typically Design Technology, Art and Science, the classroom teacher may be supported by a technician.
  • The Cover Supervisor and/or Deputy Head ensures that all lessons are covered if necessary and staff are aware of these procedures as published in the Staff Handbook.

4.2 Supervision during PE lessons, including changing arrangements, both on and off site.

  • All pupils are supervised during PE lessons in accordance with other curriculum subjects. Staff are required to supervise students during changing both on and off site. They are not always in the changing rooms but are supervising at a level appropriate to the girls ages - with KS3 staff are in and out more than KS4 and KS5.

4.3 Supervision of pupils travelling to another venue for lessons

  • All pupil movement from one site to another for lessons are subject to the same staff: pupil ratios as other offsite trips or Educational Visits. These ratios are communicated in the Staff Handbook and in the Educational Visits Policy.
  • Staff:Pupil Ratios (non hazardous activities) Wherever practicable:
    • 1:20 (senior pupils under 18)
    • 1:10 (junior pupils in yrs 4-6)
    • 1:6 (junior pupils in yrs 1-3)
    • A higher ratio may be appropriate for pupils under 5.
    • Heads should use their discretion for Years 12-13.

4.4 Supervision of pupils attending lessons with peripatetic teachers

  • Junior School: All junior school girls bring their planner to their instrumental lesson and this planner is dated and signed by the instrumental teacher during that instrumental lesson, the curriculum lesson missed is also inputted onto the sheet which is in the planner.
  • Younger pupils are escorted to the lesson and back once complete.
  • Senior School: If girls are not at a lesson, instrumental tutors inform reception, or the attendance officer or collect them from their class room. Timetables of all girls having lessons are displayed on the music notice board opposite the Library.

5 Supervision during extra-curricular activities

5.1 Arrangements for keeping records of attendance

  • All extra-curricular trips are subject to clear policy and procedures as stated in the “Educational Visits Policy and Procedures”. Registration must be taken before departure and at key points as set out in the itinerary of a trip.
  • All after school activities are registered and registers kept for one academic year.

5.2 Supervision of pupils travelling to matches and other venues.

  • Pupil: staff ratios are the same for travelling to matches and other venues as for all Educational visits.

5.2 Supervision of pupils by older children in after school clubs

  • Only registered and trained staff are allowed to run after school clubs. Older children may act as additional support.

5.3 Supervision of pupils while waiting to be collected by parents at the end of an activity

On any school organised visit which takes place off site, staff must wait with the pupils until all have been collected by parents.

  • For all on site activities parents are made aware of dismissal times (on the school website, co-curricular timetables and letters home) and asked to collect their child promptly. Pupils may wait to be collected in G2 (until 5.30pm) but must sign in and out in the Homework Club register.

5.4 Supervision of pupils attending clubs organised by 3rd parties, but which take place on site.

  • The school’s robust letting procedures ensure that appropriate staff: child ratios are adhered to for all activities run by 3rd parties on site.

6 Supervision during school visits

6.1 Arrangements for children on visits in the UK

  • All extra-curricular trips are subject to clear policy and procedures as stated in the “Educational Visits Policy and Procedures”. Registration must be taken before departure and at key points as set out in the itinerary of a trip.

6.2 Arrangements for children on visits abroad.

  • All extra-curricular trips are subject to clear policy and procedures as stated in the “Educational Visits Policy and Procedures”. Registration must be taken before departure and at key points as set out in the itinerary of a trip.

Links to other policies/guidance:

  • Infants and Junior School guidance on the Supervision of Pupils
  • School’s Code of Behaviour for staff and Staff job descriptions
  • Educational Visits Policy and Procedures